Join a Live + Virtual Challenge to Take Your Content and Career to the Next Level

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When You Use Global Content, Revenue Goes Up

Have you released content before and then wondered … why the revenue was less than expected? Just understanding how to create and release content doesn’t help your bottom line. It’s time to implement Global Content in your process.

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Global Content Frameworks and empowering lessons have been taught by Joshua K. Carpenter to university film students, global TV networks, film festivals, and with filmmakers throughout the world, including …..

Enroll in a Challenge to Get Better Results, Advance Your Career, and Scale Your Revenue!

‘Launch Your Film Now’ 5-Day Intensive

Tired of feeling stuck and ready to transform your content and skyrocket your profits with the game-changing Global Content 6-Part Framework (GC6F).

In just 5 days, immerse yourself in mastering the “GC6F” to unlock your content's full potential. Discover how to seamlessly integrate this powerhouse into your process, enhancing and optimizing your launches. Learn the secrets to generating more revenue and boosting marketplace impact, catapulting your profits in less time.

Don't miss out on this opportunity. Enroll now to unleash the full potential of your content strategy and profitable returns!

‘Get Your Film Seen’ 3-Day Challenge

Stop leaving money on the table. Maximize your revenue by understanding how the Global Content M.O.N.E.Y. Framework (GCMF) works and how to optimize your assets to increase profitability.

Over the course of 3-days, enhance your understanding of the monetization options with the impactful ‘GCMF’ formula, learn how the windows of distribution pay, and how to optimize your content to increase your revenue and maximize profitability.

‘From Passion to Profit to Purpose’ 1-Day Challenge

Shift your mindset to generate the revenue and results you desire with the Global Content 3P’s Framework (GC3PF) and leave your creative assets as a legacy.

Over the course of 2 hours, discover and learn the powerful 'GC3PF' formula to apply immediately to your content launch, improve results in the marketplace effectively, generate more revenue in less time, and increase your profits.

‘The Art + Heart of Kingdom Filmmaking’ 1-Day Challenge

Deep dive into industry knowledge to grow in your ART and Biblical wisdom to expand your HEART with the Global Content 3S’s Framework (GC3SF) to enhance your skill and success.

Over the course of 2-hours, discover and learn the powerful 'GC3SF' formula to apply immediately to your content launch, improve results in the marketplace effectively, generate more revenue in less time, and increase your profits.

Master the Global Content 6-Part Framework

Are you struggling to successfully launch your film or not seeing the profitable results you were hoping for? The Global Content 6-Part Framework (GC6F) is the missing piece you've been searching for. These 6 foundational elements are essential for impactful and successful content. Join the 5-Day 'Launch Your Film Now' Challenge and we'll show you how to apply them immediately to your process so that you enhance your skill and produce the revenue you desire! Ready to successfully launch your content, elevate your career, and generate profitable results?


If the buyer doesn’t license or select your content, their audience doesn’t get to watch your content. How can you make better decisions during your development stage?


Is your content getting lost in the crowded marketplace of endless options? How can you increase your content's visibility, improve how it’s found, and reach your target audience and beyond?


What is compelling about your presentation to entice consumer's decision-making? How can you make it more appealing to increase engagement and drive more clicks?


How irresistible is your story hook, character development, the establishment of conflict, and resolve? How can you make them more attractive to catch and retain attention?


Want to move beyond just financial gain and make a difference? How can you boost engagement, attract sponsorships, product placements, and merchandise opportunities to spread your message better?


What must you do to maximize your revenue and generate profit? How can you implement more effective strategies and optimize assets to get your desired results?

What is the Philosophy of the Global Content 6-Part Framework?

The Global Content 6-Part Framework philosophy is foundational and centered around empowering you to navigate from the beginning of your content journey with the end in mind to achieve beyond your realistic desired results.

Becoming profitable from your content begins by creating content that is in DEMAND with both the buyers and consumers to generate revenue. Simply put, if a buyer does not select to license your content, that specific potential audience will not have the chance to access it, and no revenue can be generated.

Secondly, your content must be as simple as possible, organically or promotively, to DISCOVER.

Once potential viewers find your content, will your displayed imagery, metadata, promo video, trailer, or reviews attract or detract them? Is it clarifying, compelling, or curiously enticing enough to make them want to CLICK?

Then, if they do, how quickly hooked will they become to your story and characters, and how much runtime will they WATCH before tuning out?

How effective is your call to action to make an IMPACT with the story, characters, and message, as well as awareness, a movement, or promotions before and after your original release?

Lastly, once you implement the Global Content 6-Part Framework, you can better optimize efficiencies and be more effective in increasing your revenue and maximizing your PROFIT.

Enroll in a Challenge to Get Better Results, Advance Your Career, and Scale Your Revenue!

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